It's “blast the Nazis fun,” its maker says.Sonderkommando Revolt project lead Maxim “Doomjedi” Genis says his team of artists, coders and writers is simply trying to make an action game only for the challenge, for the fun, to entertain a singularly focused community of homebrew game creators—even if others think replica Concord 0310788 Men's watch content should never be in a video game.Genis and the rest of Team Raycast are “Wolf3D” modders, changing the graphics and scenarios of first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3D into an experience that's sometimes wholly different. Sonderkommando Revolt flips the real-world event its based upon, turning a Jewish prisoner into an unstoppable SS-killing machine.
“We didn't discuss among the team any other subjects and never brought our personal views into this mod,” Genis tells Kotaku. “There was no need for it, as the mod was a plain 'blast the Nazis' fun, like so many other commercial games and mods. We all just made 'another [Wolfenstein 3D] mod', nothing more.”Genis says setting the replica Concord 0310649 Men's watch game in the concentration camp Auschwitz was “an interesting creative challenge to partly recreate a world that was very different than our everyday life, [different] than anything we know.
“ As “Doomjedi,” he has been involved in other Wolfenstein 3D mods, including the more tame Femstein, the story of Russian secret agent Max Titov and his battle against an army of Amazonian women who take over the earth.”[The] modding community in general has no political or other agendas, and those who know modding replica Concord 0310455 Men's watch community well as I do, know that we make those mods first for the fun and creativity of it,” Genis says. “All the respectful modders I know would make mods even if no one would ever see or play them, as modding is a philosophy, is a way of life — life of creation, challenge, imagination.”Genis himself is a Ukrainian-born Jew living in Israel.