If youre into lightandfast backpacking, this pack is for you. Much of the lightness comes from the frame sheet which, while removable, is just a thin sheet of perforated replica Rolex 118238DD Men's Watch plastic with two aluminum stays on either side. Strangely this combination is quite rigid so I highly recommend removing it more for comfort than for weight savings. The bonus of removing it is that you can stuff this pack into a dry bag for a boating trip or a suitcase for long trips when you might want a larger day pack. The only thing dangerous about this pack is that its eyes are too big for its stomach; it can hold more than it should at 3,966 cubic inches.
The hip padding was sufficient for most subweek camping replica Rolex 118208 Men's Watch adventures, but because of the bags size, it would be painfully inadequate on the trip where you brought too much stuff. You could easily stuff 120 pounds into it and get a half an hour down the trail to realize youre not going much farther. The support for big, heavy loads really isnt there. On the upside, the Flash 65 is inexpensive compared to similar packs but still features all the bells and whistles you need like pockets, lash points, and compression straps everywhere.
Nutritionally, each bar has about eight to ten grams of protein, around eight grams of fat, and around 180 calories, depending on the flavor. For me, the bars replica Rolex 118348 Men's Watch provide a good caloric and nutrient mix for about onehours worth of activity. (I aim to eat 200 to 300 calories of energy food per hour when active.)Mojo bars are by no means a niche product. Theyve hit the mainstream. Indeed, the company sells its bars now at Whole Foods, Safeway, Target, REI, and Wal-Mart. If youre tired of traditional energy bars--or want a saltier side to your grab-and-go food for a trip--I recommend giving the Mojo a try.